Volume One – Handbook of God the Father



Your Instruction Manual: Harbinger Week (Illuminated Cross in the Sky) ~ Great Earthquake ~ Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience) ~ Seal of The Living God ~ Refuges ~ Other End Times Prophecies, Including Great Chastisement (Three Days of Darkness)
By A Soul of Mary Refuge Of Souls



I. Dedication
II. Preface: Personal Words By A Soul
III. Introduction: The Seven Blessings of Heaven

Part 1: Set of Instructions: Foretold Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience)

Chapter 1: How To Prepare: Harbinger Week – 7 Days and 7 Nights of the Illuminated Cross in the Sky
Subchapter I. Chaos: You Have No Idea
Subchapter II. DANGER: Do NOT Go to Church During Harbinger Week
Subchapter III. How To Be Forgiven For Sins During Harbinger Week
Subchapter IV. Gather Together Your Loved Ones
Subchapter V. Coming Days of Absolute Darkness
Section 1: Basic Instructions
Section 2: Perimeter of Protection / Demonic Noise / Cursed Objects
Section 3: Supplies and Sanitation
Section 4: Miraculous Light
Section 5: Pets / Animals During Harbinger Week
Section 6: Protection from Divine Punishments
Section 7: Other Important Instructions
Subchapter VI. The Rapture – “Papa God wants them all”
Subchapter VII. Relevant Prophecies: The Cross in the Sky, “Second Sun” of the Warning, and Precursor Sign (Omen) Before the Harbinger Week

Chapter 2: How To Prepare: Great Earthquake
Subchapter I. You Must Sit Or Lay Down Directly On The Floor (Indoors)
Subchapter II. You Need An Eye Mask or Blindfold
Subchapter III. Other Important Instructions
Subchapter IV. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Subchapter V. Relevant Heavenly Messages

Chapter 3: How To Prepare: Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience)
Subchapter I. What is the Great Warning?
Subchapter II. Moments Before the Great Warning
Subchapter III. Your Wedding Day
Subchapter IV. Pray To Be Completely Healed By Jesus
Subchapter V. Pray To Be Completely Delivered By Jesus
Subchapter VI. Concerning “Those Who Are In Our Resemblance” (“Beings Without Souls”)
Subchapter VII. Warnings and Divine Instructions
Subchapter VIII. Stay Indoors (3 Days) After the Great Warning
Subchapter IX. Relevant Heavenly Messages

Chapter 4: Identifying Mortal Sins And How To Be Saved If You Are Shown Hell During the Great Warning
Subchapter I. Mark of the Beast (You WILL BE Damned! No Hope!)
Subchapter II. Healing from mRNA Vaccines By God
Subchapter III. Tattoo Removal By God
Subchapter IV. Sex Reassignment (Gender Mutilation)
Subchapter V. For Those Who Made a Contract with the Devil
Subchapter VI. JESUS CHRIST: Warning To Those Involved with Satanic Cults
Subchapter VII. Children Under Age of Reason: Broken Innocence
Subchapter VIII. Third Commandment: Observing the Sabbath (Sunday)
Subchapter IX. Sixth and Ninth Commandments: Sins of the Flesh – Holy Bible Verses
Subchapter X. JESUS CHRIST: Mortal Sins That Send People To Hell
Subchapter XI. Calling Upon JESUS To Be Saved During the Great Warning

Chapter 5: Aftermath: How To Help People Who Experience Hell and Deep Purgatory During the Great Warning
Subchapter I. General Instructions
Subchapter II. How To Be Reconciled with God
Subchapter III. Prayer For Immediate Clemency
Subchapter IV. Warning About An Evil Deed From Hell
Subchapter V. Divine Forgiveness for All Acts of Human Killing, including Murder, Abortion, Chemical (Hormonal) Birth Control, Euthanasia, Etc.
Subchapter VI. JESUS CHRIST: Messages of Hope

Chapter 6: Further Instructions Regarding the Great Warning and Eternal Salvation
Subchapter I. Brief Timeline: CONVERSION Period (Six and a Half Weeks)
Subchapter II. Beforehand: Prepare Your Love Grams (Love Notes)
Subchapter III. Aftermath: Ways To Be Forgiven For Sins By God
Subchapter IV. Second Pentecost: Manifestation of Divine Glory
Subchapter V. For Air Travelers and Seafarers
Subchapter VI. Miscellaneous Guidance
Subchapter VII. The Marian Promise
Subchapter VIII. Eternal Salvation Is Available To All Righteous People

Part 2: Set of Instructions: Divine Protection During the Great Tribulation (The Seal of The Living God, Consecrations, Refuges and Sanctuaries)

Chapter 7: General Information: The Seal of The Living God

Chapter 8: Divine Protection: The Seal of The Living God, Part One (Two Methods)

Chapter 9: Divine Protection: The Seal of The Living God, Part Two (Mary, Our Lady of Emmitsburg)

Chapter 10: Divine Protection: Consecrations of Individuals, Marriages, Children, Families and Homes
Subchapter I. Holy Love Consecrations
Subchapter II. Most Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary

Chapter 11: General Information: Refuges and Sanctuaries During the Great Tribulation

Chapter 12: Three Methods: How To Establish a Home Refuge

Chapter 13: Instructions: How To Flee to the Refuges (Great Exodus)
Subchapter I. Important Information (Miscellaneous)
Subchapter II. Evacuation Plan: Twenty (20) Minutes To Flee!
Section 1: General Instructions: For Those Fleeing to a Refuge
Section 2: Special Instructions: Urban, Coastal, and Smaller Refuges
Subchapter III. Evacuation Plan: Pets and Domesticated Animals
Subchapter IV. Evacuation Plan: For Refuge Owners
Section 1: What Qualifies To Be a Refuge?
Section 2: Pre-Arrival Check With Your Holy Refuge Angel
Subchapter V. Life at the Refuges

Part 3: Additional Instructions: Special Groups

Chapter 14: For First Responders, Medical Personnel, Caregivers, and Essential Utility Support Crews

Chapter 15: For Persons with Disabilities, Blindness, Deafness, Infirmities, and Sickness
Subchapter I. Important Facts: Harbinger Week
Subchapter II. Important Facts: Great Earthquake
Subchapter III. Important Facts: Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience)
Subchapter IV. Asking for Divine Healing During the Great Warning
Subchapter V. Important Facts: Refuges

Chapter 16: For Military Personnel and Those Living in Military Accommodations, Inmates in Jails and Prisons
(work-in-progress; will be released prior to Harbinger Week)

Chapter 17: Eternal Salvation: Human Hybrids, Transhumans and Those Who Are In Our Resemblance (Beings Without Souls)