Noteworthy: Latest News and Updates – Handbook of God the Father –

June 23, 2024 – I have retained help in building out this website. I expect the website to be finished by September. Meanwhile you can read and download the PDFs for the Three Volumes and the Six Essential Documents in English on this website.

VOLUME ONE – Handbook of God the Father

VOLUME TWO – Handbook of God the Father

VOLUME THREE – Handbook of God the Father

The following Six Essential Documents can now be read and translated fully online using Google Translate:

(1) Summary One: How To Prepare for Harbinger Week, Great Earthquake, and Great Warning
(2) Summary Two: How To Establish A Refuge And How To Flee To A Refuge – Great Exodus (End Times Evacuation)
(3) Instructions: How To Prepare For Your Life Review During The Great Warning
(4) Instructions: How To Become A Christian
(5) Coming Soon!
(6) Coming Soon!

The Handbook of God the Father and/or the Six Essential Documents are currently being translated into Afrikaans, Arabic, Croatian, Dutch, Filipino (Tagalog), French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, and Spanish. I expect the translations to be available in September.

The ebook, The Warning, by Father Bebie, is being translated into various languages. I expect the ebook and its translations to be available on this website in September.

Please consider sponsoring my prophecy blog: Mary Refuge Of Souls Every little bit helps! God bless you!

Welcome To – Handbook of God the Father

This website ( is maintained by “A Soul” and is a sister website to the main prophecy blog: Mary Refuge Of Souls ( I invite you to visit my blog for the latest messages of Heaven given to various chosen messengers and other noteworthy information for the End Times. I also have other prophecy websites, including a site for children and teenagers, that you can learn more about here:

The purpose of this website is to promote the Handbook of God the Father (“Enchiridion Dei Patris”). The Handbook is based upon a series of private revelations given by Our Lord Jesus Christ to “A Soul” during Holy Week and Divine Mercy Week in early April 2023. The private revelations include important instructions for the Faithful Remnant (God’s beloved people) in order to prepare for future great events that will be very challenging for the entire world. The Handbook is Your Instruction Manual for the Harbinger Week (7 Days and 7 Nights of the Illuminated Cross in the Sky) ~ Great Earthquake ~ Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience) ~ Seal of The Living God ~ Refuges ~ Other End Times Prophecies, Including Great Chastisement (Three Days of Darkness).

The Handbook of God the Father consists of 30 chapters in three volumes: Volume 1 (Parts 1-3, Chapters 1-15); Volume 2 (Part 4, Chapters 18-29); and Volume 3 (Part 5, Chapter 30 + Two Commentaries & Appendix). (Note: Chapters 16 and 17 are unavailable at this time. They will be made available at a later date prior to the Harbinger Week). Please see the next post for the clickable links to the Table of Contents.

Each volume of the Handbook consists of between 225-300+ pages in the original English and each volume has two PDF print versions: letter paper size (8.5 x 11 inches) and A4 paper size (210 x 297 millimeters). Please double check that you download the proper paper size version that is the country standard for your printer. Volumes 1 and 2 can be printed out as black and white copies. However, Volume 3 has some color images as part of the Appendix, so color printing is optional.

Besides the three volumes of the Handbook, there are also Six Essential Documents that are being made available free for those who cannot read the entire Handbook or are unable to print out the more than 800 pages. The Six Essential Documents are available as PDFs in the original English and they are currently being translated into multiple languages.

The titles of the Six Essential Documents are:
(1) Summary One: How To Prepare For Harbinger Week, The Great Earthquake, And The Great Warning (Illumination Of Conscience) (about 30 pages)
(2) Summary Two: Refuges Of God (How To Establish A Refuge And How To Flee To A Refuge During The Great Exodus (End Times Evacuation)
(about 15 pages)
(3) Instructions: How To Prepare For Your Life Review During The Great Warning (about 15 pages)
(4) Instructions: How To Become A Christian (about 15 pages)
(5) Spiritual Warfare Prayers For Breaking Curses (about 10 pages)
(6) Understanding That Eternal Salvation Is Available To All Righteous People (about 15 pages)

The two free Summaries for the Handbook of God the Father are available now to read directly on this site. Both Summaries consist of the critical information from Volume 1 that people will need to know in order to prepare for the Harbinger Week, Great Earthquake, Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience), and the Refuges. Summary One consists of Parts 1 and 3, Chapters 1-6, 14-15 with related materials from the Appendix. Summary Two consists of Parts 2-3, Chapters 7-15 with related materials from the Appendix. They are currently available in the original English as PDF downloads with multiple languages in-progress.

In addition, there are four free instructional documents from the Handbook of God the Father that are also available to read directly on this site. The instructional documents complement the critical information found in Summary One. They are currently available in the original English as PDF downloads with multiple languages in-progress.

Finally, this entire website ( is a work-in-progress and a labor of love. It is the intention of the webmaster (“A Soul”) to make every page of all the parts and all the chapters of the Handbook of God the Father available to be freely read and freely translated online on this site. That way the Handbook can be read in the more than 130 possible languages through Google Translate. So please bear with me as I build this site and please periodically check back to see the new content that will be made available over time.

God bless you, your family, and your loved ones as you peruse this website. In Christ’s Love, A Soul

Handbook of God the Father: Table of Contents –


Your Instruction Manual: Harbinger Week (Illuminated Cross in the Sky) ~ Great Earthquake ~ Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience) ~ Seal of The Living God ~ Refuges ~ Other End Times Prophecies, Including Great Chastisement (Three Days of Darkness)
By A Soul of Mary Refuge Of Souls



I. Dedication
II. Preface: Personal Words By A Soul
III. Introduction: The Seven Blessings of Heaven

Part 1: Set of Instructions: Foretold Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience)

Chapter 1: How To Prepare: Harbinger Week – 7 Days and 7 Nights of the Illuminated Cross in the Sky
Subchapter I. Chaos: You Have No Idea
Subchapter II. DANGER: Do NOT Go to Church During Harbinger Week
Subchapter III. How To Be Forgiven For Sins During Harbinger Week
Subchapter IV. Gather Together Your Loved Ones
Subchapter V. Coming Days of Absolute Darkness
Section 1: Basic Instructions
Section 2: Perimeter of Protection / Demonic Noise / Cursed Objects
Section 3: Supplies and Sanitation
Section 4: Miraculous Light
Section 5: Pets / Animals During Harbinger Week
Section 6: Protection from Divine Punishments
Section 7: Other Important Instructions
Subchapter VI. The Rapture – “Papa God wants them all”
Subchapter VII. Relevant Prophecies: The Cross in the Sky, “Second Sun” of the Warning, and Precursor Sign (Omen) Before the Harbinger Week

Chapter 2: How To Prepare: Great Earthquake
Subchapter I. You Must Sit Or Lay Down Directly On The Floor (Indoors)
Subchapter II. You Need An Eye Mask or Blindfold
Subchapter III. Other Important Instructions
Subchapter IV. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Subchapter V. Relevant Heavenly Messages

Chapter 3: How To Prepare: Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience)
Subchapter I. What is the Great Warning?
Subchapter II. Moments Before the Great Warning
Subchapter III. Your Wedding Day
Subchapter IV. Pray To Be Completely Healed By Jesus
Subchapter V. Pray To Be Completely Delivered By Jesus
Subchapter VI. Concerning “Those Who Are In Our Resemblance” (“Beings Without Souls”)
Subchapter VII. Warnings and Divine Instructions
Subchapter VIII. Stay Indoors (3 Days) After the Great Warning
Subchapter IX. Relevant Heavenly Messages

Chapter 4: Identifying Mortal Sins And How To Be Saved If You Are Shown Hell During the Great Warning
Subchapter I. Mark of the Beast (You WILL BE Damned! No Hope!)
Subchapter II. Healing from mRNA Vaccines By God
Subchapter III. Tattoo Removal By God
Subchapter IV. Sex Reassignment (Gender Mutilation)
Subchapter V. For Those Who Made a Contract with the Devil
Subchapter VI. JESUS CHRIST: Warning To Those Involved with Satanic Cults
Subchapter VII. Children Under Age of Reason: Broken Innocence
Subchapter VIII. Third Commandment: Observing the Sabbath (Sunday)
Subchapter IX. Sixth and Ninth Commandments: Sins of the Flesh – Holy Bible Verses
Subchapter X. JESUS CHRIST: Mortal Sins That Send People To Hell
Subchapter XI. Calling Upon JESUS To Be Saved During the Great Warning

Chapter 5: Aftermath: How To Help People Who Experience Hell and Deep Purgatory During the Great Warning
Subchapter I. General Instructions
Subchapter II. How To Be Reconciled with God
Subchapter III. Prayer For Immediate Clemency
Subchapter IV. Warning About An Evil Deed From Hell
Subchapter V. Divine Forgiveness for All Acts of Human Killing, including Murder, Abortion, Chemical (Hormonal) Birth Control, Euthanasia, Etc.
Subchapter VI. JESUS CHRIST: Messages of Hope

Chapter 6: Further Instructions Regarding the Great Warning and Eternal Salvation
Subchapter I. Brief Timeline: CONVERSION Period (Six and a Half Weeks)
Subchapter II. Beforehand: Prepare Your Love Grams (Love Notes)
Subchapter III. Aftermath: Ways To Be Forgiven For Sins By God
Subchapter IV. Second Pentecost: Manifestation of Divine Glory
Subchapter V. For Air Travelers and Seafarers
Subchapter VI. Miscellaneous Guidance
Subchapter VII. The Marian Promise
Subchapter VIII. Eternal Salvation Is Available To All Righteous People

Part 2: Set of Instructions: Divine Protection During the Great Tribulation (The Seal of The Living God, Consecrations, Refuges and Sanctuaries)

Chapter 7: General Information: The Seal of The Living God

Chapter 8: Divine Protection: The Seal of The Living God, Part One (Two Methods)

Chapter 9: Divine Protection: The Seal of The Living God, Part Two (Mary, Our Lady of Emmitsburg)

Chapter 10: Divine Protection: Consecrations of Individuals, Marriages, Children, Families and Homes
Subchapter I. Holy Love Consecrations
Subchapter II. Most Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary

Chapter 11: General Information: Refuges and Sanctuaries During the Great Tribulation

Chapter 12: Three Methods: How To Establish a Home Refuge

Chapter 13: Instructions: How To Flee to the Refuges (Great Exodus)
Subchapter I. Important Information (Miscellaneous)
Subchapter II. Evacuation Plan: Twenty (20) Minutes To Flee!
Section 1: General Instructions: For Those Fleeing to a Refuge
Section 2: Special Instructions: Urban, Coastal, and Smaller Refuges
Subchapter III. Evacuation Plan: Pets and Domesticated Animals
Subchapter IV. Evacuation Plan: For Refuge Owners
Section 1: What Qualifies To Be a Refuge?
Section 2: Pre-Arrival Check With Your Holy Refuge Angel
Subchapter V. Life at the Refuges

Part 3: Additional Instructions: Special Groups

Chapter 14: For First Responders, Medical Personnel, Caregivers, and Essential Utility Support Crews

Chapter 15: For Persons with Disabilities, Blindness, Deafness, Infirmities, and Sickness
Subchapter I. Important Facts: Harbinger Week
Subchapter II. Important Facts: Great Earthquake
Subchapter III. Important Facts: Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience)
Subchapter IV. Asking for Divine Healing During the Great Warning
Subchapter V. Important Facts: Refuges

Chapter 16: For Military Personnel and Those Living in Military Accommodations, Inmates in Jails and Prisons
(work-in-progress; will be released prior to Harbinger Week)

Chapter 17: Eternal Salvation: Human Hybrids, Transhumans and Those Who Are In Our Resemblance (Beings Without Souls)


Part 4: Receiving Divine Assistance During the Great Tribulation (Apocalypse)

Chapter 18: The End Times: Its Definition

Chapter 19: Secret Plans of God: Blessed Virgin Mary
Subchapter I. Mysteries of the Immaculate Heart
Subchapter II. Seal of the Immaculate Conception
Section 1: What is the Immaculate Conception?
Section 2: What is the Seal of the Immaculate Conception?
Section 3: Reference: Message Excerpts: Seal of the Immaculate Conception

Chapter 20: Secret Plans of God: Saint Joseph

Chapter 21: Explanation of End Times Prophecies: Almighty Helping Hand of God

Chapter 22: Explanation of End Times Prophecies: Sequence of Divine Interventions
Subchapter I. Before the Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience)
Subchapter II. After the Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience)

Chapter 23: Great Miracle and Great Sign of Garabandal

Chapter 24: Ark of the Covenant

Chapter 25: Explanation of End Times Prophecies: Divine Justice and Conditional Great Chastisement
Subchapter I. Divine Justice and Its Consequences
Section 1: Understanding Divine Justice, Part I (Definition)
Section 2: Greatest Sins Against Innocent Life: The Defenseless
Section 3: Greatest Sins Against Innocent Life: The Most Holy Eucharist
Section 4: Reference: Holy Bible and Heavenly Messages (Excerpts)
Section 5: Present Moment: Negative Thoughts and Negative Emotions
Section 6: Attack Against The Divine Family
Section 7: Greatest Sinners: Apostate Christians and Unholy Priests
Section 8: Abomination of Desolation
Section 9: Understanding Divine Justice, Part II (Consequences)
Subchapter II. Conditional Great Chastisement
Section 1: What are the Three Days of Darkness?
Section 2: References: Holy Bible: Three Days of Darkness
Section 3: Reference: Prophecy Excerpts: Three Days of Darkness

Chapter 26: Explanation of End Times Prophecies: How To Avert the Conditional Great Chastisement
Subchapter I. Public Collective Responsibility: Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Section 1: What is the Consecration of Russia?
Section 2: Why is the Consecration of Russia Necessary?
Section 3: Has the Consecration of Russia already been fulfilled in the past by the Roman Catholic Church?
Section 4: How does following an antipope affect my relationship with God? Am I in mortal sin and / or spiritual trouble?
Subchapter II. Private Personal Responsibility: Invitation to Become a Child of Mary
Subchapter III. Private Personal Responsibility: Chambers of the United Hearts
Section 1: Introduction: Holy Love Ministries
Section 2: Protection Against the Three Days of Darkness (Three Days of Light)
Section 3: Personal Holiness: Spiritual Infancy to Holy Maturity (Part 1)
Section 4: Personal Holiness: Spiritual Infancy to Holy Maturity (Part 2)
Section 5: Becoming a Living Tabernacle
Subchapter IV. Private Personal Responsibility: Glories of Holy Communion
Section 1: Introduction: The Most Holy Eucharist
Section 2: Sacramental Communion: Internal Adoration
Section 3: Differences Between Spiritual Communion and Communion of Desire
Section 4: Holy Secrets: Praying in the Divine Will
Subchapter V. The Church of Atonement and Holy Victimhood
Section 1: Introduction: Atonement and Best Methods
Section 2: Reparation: Golden Arrow Devotion
Section 3: Holy Baptism of the Holy Innocents
Section 4: Prayers for Ghosts to Advance in the Afterlife
Section 5. Prayers To Close Purgatory
Section 6: Holy Mass: How To Help Ghosts and Poor Souls in Purgatory

Chapter 27: Special Conclave and Great Ecumenical Council

Chapter 28: Consecration of the Heart of the World to the United Hearts (Nations and Churches)

Chapter 29: Christian Martyrdom
Subchapter I. Holy Mother Mary: Martyrdom Promise
Subchapter II. Sacred Promise from Our Lord Jesus Christ: Lessening of Pain During Martyrdom
Subchapter III. Saint Joseph, Patron of a Happy Death
Subchapter IV. An Example of Holy Martyrdom: Being Fed to the Lions
Subchapter V. An Example of Christian Martyrdom: Saint Philomena


Part 5: Joyful Future: Second Coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ

Chapter 30: Looking Ahead: Divine Sequence: Before and After the Era of Peace
Subchapter I. The Importance of Jerusalem
Subchapter II. Basic Timeline (Great Tribulation, First Resurrection, and Era of Peace)
Subchapter III. Overall Timeline

I. Handbook Conclusion: Personal Words By A Soul
II. Endnotes: Notices

III. Handbook of God the Father: Very Important Commentary – Explaining the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, the End Times, the Immaculate Conception and the Wedding Feast of The Lamb
Part One
Section 1: The End Times And The Biblical Week
Section 2: The Two Divine Fires
Section 3: In The Beginning: The Great Warning (Illumination Of Conscience)
Section 4: GOD’s Divine Plan During The Apocalypse
Section 5: The Period Of The Renewal
Part Two
Section 1: The Immaculate Conception Of The Blessed Virgin Mary
Section 2: GOD’s Secret Weapon To Defeat Evil
Section 3: Mary, Help Of All God’s Children
Section 4: Mary As Advocate, Co-Redemptress, And Mediatrix Of All Grace
Part Three
Section 1: The Highest Heaven: The Sixth Chamber of Holiness
Section 2: Gospel of St Matthew: Chapter 25, Verses 1-13, The Parable of the Ten Virgins
Section 3: Tradition: Ancient Jewish Bridal Customs
Section 4: The Triumph: The Wedding Feast Of The Lamb
(Added) Reference: End Times Daily, Message of November 30, 2023
References (Sources of Heavenly Messages)

IV. Handbook of God the Father: Very Important Commentary – The Third-Best Spiritual Warfare Writing That You Will Ever Read
Section 1: Blessed Mother Mary and Saint Joseph
Section 2: Remember Saint Michael Archangel and Your Guardian Angel
Section 3: My First Secret Weapon – My Bucket Prayer
Section 4: The Holy Chalice
Section 5: Spiritually Battling Multiple Attackers
Section 6: Flame of Love Hail Mary Prayer
Section 7: Holy Scripture as a Sword
Section 8: The Best Prayer Method
Section 9: Sacramentals (Blessed Objects) Really Do Work
Section 10: Everyone Needs Deliverance Prayers
Section 11: Perfect Love Casts Out Fear – Death
Section 12: Perfect Love Casts Out Fear – Purity
Section 13: My Second Secret Weapon – Internal Adoration
Section 14: Levels of Spiritual Warfare
Section 15: The Emergency Prayer To Use in Extreme Distress
Conclusion: Become Fearless
Invitation For Spiritual Adoption: The Story of Saint Agnes

APPENDIX – TABLE OF CONTENTS (Exhibits # 1 through # 37)

1 EXHIBIT: How To Obtain Salvation in God, The Divine Law: The Ten Commandments (Catholic) and the Two Greatest Commandments, Holy Instructions About the Divine Law, Mortal and Venial Sin

2 EXHIBIT: Nightly Examination of Conscience with Prayer for Daily Neglects

3 EXHIBIT: Preparation for Sacramental Confession: Examination of Conscience for Adults (Part One)

4 EXHIBIT: Preparation for Sacramental Confession: Examination of Conscience for Teenagers, Examination of Conscience for Adults (Part Two)

5 EXHIBIT: Relevant Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ: How To Prepare for the Life Review of the Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience)

6 EXHIBIT: Prayer for Confession of Sins (For Sacramental Confession with Catholic or Orthodox Priest)

7 EXHIBIT: Prayer for Confession of Sins (For Those Unable To Confess with Catholic or Orthodox Priest) — 7-Day Absolution Plenary Indulgence Prayer

8 EXHIBIT: Additional Prayers for Forgiveness of Sins

9 EXHIBIT: The Gospel (“Good News”) of Jesus Christ, Learning Prayer: The Apostles Creed, Instructions: How To Do Baptism By Water

10 EXHIBIT: Prayers for Purification and Multiplication of Food; Other Important Prayers

11 EXHIBIT: Commonly Recited Catholic Prayers: The Apostles Creed, The Lord’s Prayer (Our Father), Flame of Love Hail Mary, Glory Be (The Doxology), Hail Holy Queen (The Salve Regina)

12 EXHIBIT: Commonly Recited Catholic Prayer: The Sign of the Cross

13 EXHIBIT: The Divine Mercy Chaplet

14 EXHIBIT: The Chaplet of Saint Michael Archangel, Prayer to Saint Michael Archangel, Prayer to Your Guardian Angel

15 EXHIBIT: First Saturdays Devotion to Mary, Holy Promises of the Rosary, and Prayer: The Most Holy Rosary

16 EXHIBIT: Messages and Recipe: The Healing Oil of Saint Joseph, Image of Saint Joseph and Holy Child Jesus

17 EXHIBIT: Messages and Recipe: The Healing Oil of Saint Raphael Archangel, Photo of Miraculous Statue of Mary Rosa Mystica

18 EXHIBIT: Holy Images for Devotion

19 EXHIBIT: The Vision of Two Popes and Other Mystical Revelation About Antipopes

20 EXHIBIT: October 7, 2021 – Apparition of Saint Pope John Paul II

21 EXHIBIT: February 2, 2023 – Posthumous Testimony of Pope Benedict XVI to a Cloistered Nun in Colombia (Latin America) (“Omega Testament”)

22 EXHIBIT: Relevant Messages from Heaven About Refuges, Tools of Trade Article By A Soul

23 EXHIBIT: Holy Bible: Psalm 91 – For Time of Traveling to the Refuges

24 EXHIBIT: Saint Joseph: Invisible Protection Prayer

25 EXHIBIT: Heaven’s Messages About Nuclear War

26 EXHIBIT: Locutions To The World: The Seal of the Immaculate Conception

27 EXHIBIT: Our Spiritual Father and Terror of Demons: The Glories of Saint Joseph

28 EXHIBIT: Holy Love Ministries: The Blessing of Holy Love

29 EXHIBIT: Divine Protection: End Times Sacramentals: Scapulars, Holy Medals, Holy Crosses / Crucifixes, and Other Holy Objects

30 EXHIBIT: Over 20 Short Prayers You Can Say To Become Closer To God

31 EXHIBIT: The Top 5 Reasons To Believe In The Holy Bible And To Study Its Words

32 EXHIBIT: Prayers for the Dead

33 EXHIBIT: Occult List (Including Cursed Items) Compiled By A Well-Respected Catholic Exorcist, Adjuration and Rebuking Prayer, Heaven’s Messages About Cursed Objects in Homes

34 EXHIBIT: Prayer – Ephesians 6: Armor of God, Prayer – Breaking the Strongholds of Witchcraft

35 EXHIBIT: The Best Spiritual Warfare and Deliverance Prayers

36 EXHIBIT: Saint Michael Archangel: Blood Ties and Generational Curses; Saint Raphael Archangel: Healing Teachings and Prayers

37 EXHIBIT: Deliverance Prayers for Persons Suffering Demonic Oppression and Demonic Possession